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A few notes and thoughts from Grumpy
They weren't just annyoing, they broke rules. Clearly.

Well if he comes here and demands help, then he must show some respect, wouldn't you agree?
He shows respect first, then I show respect, and so on.

I do search for the old threads usually when I give replies, but if I can, they can too.

@9-year-old thing
He's not evil, lol. Just careless. Which still doesn't mean we have to be super-nice to him.

Well, idk what has "respecting yourself" have to do with anything? Are you implying we loathe ourselves? :P

Well, they have to read the rules, how are they supposed to function in a society if they don't?
If I am a newcomer and start flaming all over the forum, are you going to tolerate that?
That is a big deal, I'd say. And they are not some special, exclusive rules...they are basic and logical.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: A few notes and thoughts from Grumpy - by Divisor - 01-28-2011, 04:48 PM

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