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[MOD] [Released] Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Do [NSSD]

For the first version of NSSD, i've made these 4 items, which appear falling from the sky, just as any LF2 game:
[Image: fuuma10.png] - Fuuma Shuriken This windmill shaped shuriken flies towards the nearest enemy, with a weak chase effect. Deals moderate damage.
[Image: scroll10.png] - Ningu Scroll This scroll summons a array of kunais OR a wave of shurikens.
[Image: medkit10.png] - Medkit This medicine is instantly used, but it's effect is progressive; it regenerates up to 100 hit points, or up to the red bar limit.
[Image: veneno10.png] - Poison Bomb this little pack explodes when thrown, shooting a corrosive poison breath.

These items, while being held, appear inside a frame, just above the wielder's head, like this example below.
[Image: itens_10.png]
P.S.: Items too big to fit inside the frame are miniaturelized.
P.P.S.:Rock Lee's distorced stance isn't a bug, just a teaser of one of his moves.

Suggestions about other items are welcome.
needing a HEXer .-.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: [MOD] Naruto Shippuden: Shinobi Do [NSSD] - by NocturneSama - 03-15-2011, 07:42 PM

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