(05-29-2011, 06:33 AM)prince_freeza Wrote: i can say one thing, you art got really clean and straight lately. characters are standing a bit tilted to the right but meh... still good for mehThat made... my day... ;-;
Yes, I still have problems with tilting characters. Perspective is a pain too >,< Cheers anyway for the comment.
(05-29-2011, 07:19 AM)Men'Mine Wrote: u have definitely improved in ur art . I have no comments on the drawings. But the wall paper is something a C & P work . U could have just left it out with the square . The zigzag lines kinda ruins the flow in it :D . And, the BG is flat. Add textures to it to make it look more dramatic ;) .lol thanks :D
If memory serves, the wallpaper was probably made in about... ten minutes. That's why it's so uncreative :P
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Graphic Stuff|Tania|Indo Fighter|Sprites|Comics|
News of my days: My graphics skills will go better. Eventually...