(06-14-2011, 06:40 AM)Alectric Wrote: Whaat's face pic is good, when i look at it, i think of a bird (more specifically, and ostrich 0.o) but he looks so sad, probably because of the too subtle shading on the jumperWell my face pic is a desert bandit's facepic, at the desert neutral colors are good to keep you as cold as possible (black and other dark colors absorb heat in them). Also the colors fade when you are long at the sun D: i have really thought these things D: and he is sad becouse of his bad memories from his childhood (hunger etc. at the desert there isn't too much food or water) ;<
@Not LF2-ness omgitsanlf2forumwhatisthisihateitbecauseitisntlf2stylewahwahwah, there was nothing about it being LF2 styled. In fact, its better to view these without LF2 style in mind.
And sorry for liking LF styled face pics over other styled ;<
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!