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First fix the link,it is:

Also,I can't download think there is something wrong or I don't know how to do that.

You don't need to upload all character,but just post his DC code,by this:
you write his dat file in something like this,so we can see your problem and tell you how to solve it

Anyways,I am telling how to do transform:
First you write
hit_Uj: ???
in his walking and standing frames (or where you want).I think you know that.
Then create continuing frames (frames which come after each-other),or just 1 frame and in the last frame you use state 80XX (XX is the id number that you want to transform).
But you need to write that which is called "+140 pics".It is a long explanation so,you can download Data changer Book by >>here<< and this guide you how to do that.(when you open it,click on "Razen",because there is the way how to do this (and all transformation procedure))

Copy my link and paste it and it will work.
Thanks given by: qwertz143

Messages In This Thread
s_dennis - by Bupkis - 07-08-2011, 04:07 AM
RE: s_dennis - by empirefantasy - 07-08-2011, 10:36 AM
RE: s_dennis - by qwertz143 - 07-08-2011, 02:25 PM

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