(07-29-2011, 05:43 AM)Marshall Wrote: And throughout the years I've seen quite a number of mine/ trap moves; this one is very well executed if not the best.Thanks D:
(07-29-2011, 05:43 AM)Marshall Wrote: a few complaints which I'm sure can be fixed:1) Sry but i think this is sooo tiny thing that it's even hard to notice, atleast i can hardly see any mistakes in breathing, even when i'm playing with full screen, mind showing the bugs with sprites?
1) During the breathing, his hand changes shape constantly
2) get rid of the bpoints please
3) the sound effect of the bazooka materialising needs to be changed
2) Aah, finally i understood what this means xp yeah that really should be removed.
3) I think it's kinda good since it's like ''magic using'' when he makes that little thingy to whole bazooka :o also i use only default LF2 sounds so there isn't many other sounds that would fit it :/
Might be back, might be not :^) anyways awesome to see you guys again!