08-05-2011, 09:29 AM
in about 1 hour i get home and then i start the new ball and fix some awkward looking sprites.
Think ill add it the same day =p, but the sprites will suck, because rudolf has no rotating sprites or?
Think ill add it the same day =p, but the sprites will suck, because rudolf has no rotating sprites or?
Say Anything - Alive with the glory of love
My first char: a rudolf mod <--- waiting for comments
LF story reasonable beginning <--clicky (Dont u dare not to leave a comment!)
Fan of Jerry Hawks LF2 Fan movie, just epic animations~
My first char: a rudolf mod <--- waiting for comments
LF story reasonable beginning <--clicky (Dont u dare not to leave a comment!)
Story Progress (Click to View)
Fan of Jerry Hawks LF2 Fan movie, just epic animations~