08-15-2011, 01:17 PM
hm... very funky naming there... I can actually imagine a lot of possibilities behind it.. is it just a different reaction when louis punches louis or is it about the metal weapons (aka amor parts)...or idk its so mystic.
You don't make very fancy stuff with sprites and all but still this project totally gives lf2 new air to breath, totally makes it live up as a new. (i mean I love the good ol' chars and you improve them in a way I always wanted to do it (though you have thought about a bit more than i did) )
can't wait for the next update.
You don't make very fancy stuff with sprites and all but still this project totally gives lf2 new air to breath, totally makes it live up as a new. (i mean I love the good ol' chars and you improve them in a way I always wanted to do it (though you have thought about a bit more than i did) )
can't wait for the next update.
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday