so somewhere before frame 7 you need to move up 1 px
hit_j: 49
try it in frame 6
if it doesn't work try using wait 1 instead of 0 or using it in a frame behind a next instead of the previous itr kind 8
edit: yes
hit_j: 50 or 0 doesn't move at all
49 moves 1 px up per frame
51 moves 1 px down per frame
hit_j: 49
try it in frame 6
if it doesn't work try using wait 1 instead of 0 or using it in a frame behind a next instead of the previous itr kind 8
edit: yes
hit_j: 50 or 0 doesn't move at all
49 moves 1 px up per frame
51 moves 1 px down per frame
favorite dcing techniques: wpoint | double key inputs | holding back | alternate basic moves