I think its bad for a lots of reason. Blocking a site if small part of site contain some copyright stuff or a link to copyright contant.
This is kinda of a heavy topic.The main reason I'm against is that some capitalist pigs wanna controll the net using copyright as an excuse.
True there a lot of copyright contant on the net being used with no permisson.That does'nt mean they gotta block sites on a whim cause someone post copyright stuff.asking to remove it will be more sain option.As for sites like piratebay should really be down.
I sometimes watch lps or walkthroughs & I heard those might become ileagl due this bill .
This is kinda of a heavy topic.The main reason I'm against is that some capitalist pigs wanna controll the net using copyright as an excuse.
True there a lot of copyright contant on the net being used with no permisson.That does'nt mean they gotta block sites on a whim cause someone post copyright stuff.asking to remove it will be more sain option.As for sites like piratebay should really be down.
I sometimes watch lps or walkthroughs & I heard those might become ileagl due this bill .