According to me, I agree with half of the people believing and half of the people NOT believing.
I agree with the people believing in the ideas because not only the Mayan civilization could have foreseen our future from then but their prediction could have also been correct. There are many symptoms of this event. For example, there is:
1. Global Warming.
2. Increasing in the magnitude of Solar Winds.
3. Increasing manitude of earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanoes on the surface.
so and so...........
I agree with the people NOT believing in some related points.
Although we see the end of the Mayan calender in 21 December 2012, some logical bugs get to us that either the Mayan civilization came to a demolish at that day. Or that they abandoned the calendar. This is about human instinct to crude laziness.~nehalbordoloi
Some of us also think about this after watching the movie '2012'. Films are purely intended to be of fictitious nature. Although the script is planned on somewhat the same calendar idea, I would say the same comment as before on disbelieval of this idea.