(05-01-2012, 04:57 PM)xmfcx Wrote: What do you think at getting advanced on assembly or hex-exe editings?i will try to get advanced at using the cfg patcher if i can :p - looking at my planned projects i will probably have to
(05-01-2012, 04:57 PM)xmfcx Wrote: Why aren't you working on them?because compared to the time it will take me it is not beneficial enough
the highest pleasure i get from modifying lf2 is the creative part - and for that i need a stable engine
everything i have ever done to improve upon that already great engine mostly resulted in something buggy and unstable without any creative content created at all
(05-01-2012, 04:57 PM)xmfcx Wrote: Is that(exe editing) so hard?to me yes - this is reverse engineering - programming at the lowest level i can think of, inside something you have not made yourself - that is on top of all compiled to be read by the computer, not a human
(05-01-2012, 04:57 PM)xmfcx Wrote: Okay when it comes to spriting, if you don't have talent, you should collobrate to make a char but when it comes to adding new states or new exe-tricks why do u need Silva?? i collaborate to have more creative content inside the product and more condensed work in every detail
not to mention the best of the best for every aspect
i am capable of spriting but i am slow and very bad at using my own critic to my advantage (i don't improve as fast as others even tho i know the flaws)
most spriters i worked with could usually almost instantly improve upon the things i pointed out to them
hex/data collaboration is very similar in that aspect (i have very high expectations of hex edits when i do need them - and i usually cannot fulfill those myself with my current knowledge)
it would've taken me years to achieve the things i sometimes need - and that would tire me and because i don't get to do what i want it for i might get bored and give up (especially since i am very suborn and would try too hard and for too long ...)
silva can usually quickly understand what i want and tell me what's possible and how much effort it will require - in that case i can often revise my plan upon that and alter the expectations i have for the hex edit - and so on
this kind of stuff can be very tiring for one person alone
(just look at scientists - for example mathematicians calculating the extremely difficult things for physicists
einstein didn't work the mathematics of his theories as far as i know)
(05-01-2012, 04:57 PM)xmfcx Wrote: Have u ever tried to work on lf2.exe?yes
the result is killer lf2
basically silva taught me everything i did there and did some of the difficult things i think ... cannot remember
actually i don't even remember how exactly i did those things
edit: this is actually another good reason for me not to dabble with it too much
i don't do it often enough to remember everything for quick use and it's not fun enough to do more with it (and it would result in less work on everything else i do)
favorite dcing techniques: wpoint | double key inputs | holding back | alternate basic moves