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Deep Combo -- Punchx2 + Punch + Something
It's just the normal combo except we can insert an extra punch :D
Like in DoP combo, we walk backwards and then come back so when we press attack we do punch instead of super punch.

The easiest one is to follow up with Strike + Leap Attack.
If you position yourself close enough to the opponent in the third punch, you can do dash sword instead, but else you will miss.

If you position yourself quite far away so that your third punch hits late and doesn't cause your opponent to fall backwards, you can do Jump Attack (especially want to tell this to Zort :D ). So the third punch's positioning is the key!

Position yourself close enough to the opponent and do the third punch, and afterwards you can do 3x Energy Blast and they all will hit :) .

ps: Deep's punch deals 35 damage, which is half of a normal dash attack's damage ;P so adds a quite considerable amount of damage to the combos. Since they are not very difficult to do, they are quite useful :D .
Thanks given by: Hero destroyer

Messages In This Thread
Deep Combo -- Punchx2 + Punch + Something - by Kevin - 06-22-2012, 01:40 PM

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