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Everything and nothing about music.

Based on my experience (which means I'm being a smartass :p ) songs will sound much better (I mean MUCH) after we get used and familiar with the notes. It happens many times for me: the first time I listen to the song, it's nothing special.. well, it's good though. But after a few times listening to it, it could become one of my favorite songs ;D .

Eh, that was a cool video you posted =D .

I found another awesome (at least for meH) song from touhou, Fall of Fall ~ Autumnal Waterfall. If you're weird like me, probably you like the piano version more, coz it's marasy8 playing -- here

And omg this Final Boss Rush, actually is a remix of (probably all) last boss themes in Touhou. Unfortunately I don't know the author :\\ wna find some more like this ;D .
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Messages In This Thread
Everything and nothing about music. - by The Hari - 06-17-2012, 08:46 PM
RE: Everything and nothing about music. - by Kevin - 08-13-2012, 04:44 AM

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