09-08-2012, 08:16 PM
okay, that makes sense.
hm... i would seriously need a site where i can add my favorite bands and artists and then it displays all the tour dates in a convenient way. I can hardly keep track of that.
19th November, ewww.. it's a monday. I hope i have a free weekend + (mo & tue) there, otherwise i have to take some of my holiday-time. But I am definitely going to go there. Need to get the tickets right away, thanks for the info
hm... i would seriously need a site where i can add my favorite bands and artists and then it displays all the tour dates in a convenient way. I can hardly keep track of that.
19th November, ewww.. it's a monday. I hope i have a free weekend + (mo & tue) there, otherwise i have to take some of my holiday-time. But I am definitely going to go there. Need to get the tickets right away, thanks for the info
[sig placeholder until my new sig is finished]
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday
should totally allow people to be all trolley on their birthday