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Super Gotenks[Released!]
[Image: i308351_1.PNG]
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Gotenks is the fusion of goten and trunks but in it's ssj3 form. This character is a bit overpowered comparing normal LF2 characters but is good for DBZ chars. Gotenks is the son of vegito(you may say)!

Super Gotenks
Special Moves:
D>AAA... ki blast
D>A(...)J charged-up ki blast
DJA charge ki
DvJ kicle blast
D>J Big Tree Cannon
D^J Super Ghost Kamakaze Attack
DvA razing shrafe+ super kick
D^A Galactic Donut

J( when hit during Defend) swift back
A( when hit during Defend) swift front
AA( when hit during Defend) swift front attack

AAAAA(hit the fifth attack a bit late) Sweep punch
AAAAAA(hit very fast) vicious punch
AAAAAAD>J angry combo
AAA DvA Combo 1
AAA(wait a verry little) D>AJ Combo 2
D^A + DvA kicle crusher
D^A + D>A Big Tree crusher
DvAJ Fersing punch
DvAJJA Leap combo
AAA DvAJJA Combo 3
DvAJJD Bump Attack
AAA DvAJJD Combo 4
DvA(after super kick) A Burst Run attack
AAADvA(after super kick) A Combo 5
DvA(after super kick) ADvJ kicle finisher (hardest to do)
~Find some more combos and combo combinations yourself!~(there are more :D....actually secrets )

DA Drop weapon

Credits for help:
YinYin's ai tutorials
-Video game from where sprites were ripped - Resampling and other things done by me!
-Farhantirrien for (most of) the sounds
-hell fightter for making the "power dust" - bashscrazy recoloured it!
and all the members of LFE who supported me! XD

Gotenks got an A.I. Too!

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Messages In This Thread
Super Gotenks[Released!] - by InPhiKnight - 03-09-2013, 01:23 AM
RE: Super Gotenks[Released!] - by Redbeard - 03-09-2013, 05:45 PM
RE: Super Gotenks[Released!] - by Gespenst - 03-10-2013, 10:10 AM
RE: Super Gotenks[Released!] - by Shaoody - 03-10-2013, 04:08 AM
RE: Super Gotenks[Released!] - by NewToTheEra - 03-10-2013, 11:24 AM
RE: Super Gotenks[Released!] - by Memento - 03-14-2013, 02:18 PM
RE: Super Gotenks[Released!] - by qwertz143 - 03-14-2013, 02:41 PM

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