Currently I don't have time for programming LFStudio. I'm publish source code to github. You can fix bugs, add new features and so on...
What need to do?
1) Do refactoring code. May be somewhere need implement wpf-based architecture related techniques such as Binding, Dependency property and so on. Apply MVVM architectural pattern.
2) Improve plugin system
3) Apply avalondock 2.x
4) Fix bugs.
5) Create articles describe how to use this program.
6) Add unit tests.
What need to do?
1) Do refactoring code. May be somewhere need implement wpf-based architecture related techniques such as Binding, Dependency property and so on. Apply MVVM architectural pattern.
2) Improve plugin system
3) Apply avalondock 2.x
4) Fix bugs.
5) Create articles describe how to use this program.
6) Add unit tests.