Version 1.10
A long time ago in a thread far, far away....
... I presented my last character and now I finally determined that it was time for a new one.
Accordingly, I present you
Sile - The Crimson Princess, a
vampiric spellcaster
bloodsucking goth lady
magical circle-thingy user
Some mentioneable facts:
Sile was created in a total of three days (1 brainstorming, 2 coding/spriting), which is a new personal record for me.
And even though she doesn't contain an ueber-complex-leet-awesome DCing trick past the casual AdvancedDC, she is nontheless a char of (hopefully) respectable quality. Except for the sprites of course, my sprites suck, everybody knows that.
She fills the role of a mid-ranged support/kite spellcaster, offering a versatile, interesting and tactical playstyle. As well, she is credit to team.
As usually, you can find more details in the Readme.txt included in the download.
Speaking of which, here you go:
And for those who didn't download the char by now, here's some minor input to stimulate your optical receptors:
Soul Beam
Clean the field of enemies and injuries in one go.
Haunting Spirits
Release the dogs! Or hungry underworld souls, it's all alike.
Gates of Babylon
And why exactly do they call an exploding magical mine after an ancient city?
Because sucking blood isn't enough of a cliche.
What was yours now is mine, what was mine stays mine.
Includes a custom AS-AI file to give your Sile some advanced understanding of how her moveset works.
Watch your
blood healthbar, or you might find it...
As well I'm having a few issues/bugs/problems with this chracter I couldn't properly resolve by myself so far.
I'm putting them here in case somebody finds a good solution:
Soul Beam may heal enemies that are unhitable (f.e. after getting up from their lying frames) due to itr/kind:8 not using any IFF and the first itr(/kind:0) not hitting a target.
Possession is pretty flawed per se:
Inititally, there is the issue of keeping the original enemy 'stored'. I did it with a normal catching ball, but this method has the issue of the enemy still being 'present' on the battlefield, attracting allies who will attempt to punch the enemy's shadow. I tried semi-resolving this by having the ball hold the enemy far outside the reachable battlefield, but this, in reverse, caused the ball to leave the bounds of the battlefield.
As well, the de-possession will not properly return the enemy if Sile retransform to far away from the initial possession location. I'm sure I'm just missing something, since previous of my characters had no such issues whilst using wide-ranged itr/kind:8 interactions.
The hardcoded healing mechanics (itr/kind:8 with injury > 0) of LF2 are annoying to begin with: Every new itr/king:8 will 'reset' the healing amount.
If you apply one 100 and one 5, your character will heal 5. Or even zero, if the last applied itr/kind:8 contains injury:0.
This made the Shield of Vanguard skill a pain to code. Inititally, I wanted every 'shield' to heal the character by 10 once it dissipates (without hitting or blocking). But since the Glyph keeps sticking to the character, it will constantly override any healing.
I resolved it by giving all kind:8's related to this move a injury: 1 (aka, barely healing, but your healthbar will keep flashing) and then have the final dissipating shield heal for a large amount. This as well resolves the issue of the glyph 'healing' (barely, only visual) enemies it's chasing, but it's not the best solution.
Looking forward to any of your comments, critique, discussions and reviews.
(Unless they complain about the sprites...)