08-14-2013, 08:32 PM
The Tales of Jonny & Sam
Jonny hears pounding, ramming and shouting on the other side on the door and that raises his hopes. He attacks the maid with his violin case.
I want to prevent being cheap and tossing down stairs again
(08-14-2013, 03:31 PM)Alblaka Wrote:Sam quickly reaches the door and starts working on it with the axe, only to minor success.Jonny (Click to View)
On the other side, Jonny notices the door being hit again and again from the other side by strong blows. In meanwhile, the maid zombie has managed to pass the stairs and is now attacking Jonny.
Jonny hears pounding, ramming and shouting on the other side on the door and that raises his hopes. He attacks the maid with his violin case.
I want to prevent being cheap and tossing down stairs again
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)