(08-27-2013, 08:41 AM)EXG9 Wrote: if you are organised person, or atleast experienced enough with lf2 sprite or char making (I am talking just about lf2 sprites)you will know what parts do you need, you dont have to draw same parts. You can make 4 or more standing sprites, 4 walking sprites, 1 running stop sprites that makes 9 sprites from 1, but if you want bit cheaper character then you also can make 3 jumping frames, not crouching, but 62,63,64 i guess,a nd here you have 12 sprites, then just edit head so it would not be facing us, here you have another head part,Even being best organized and experianced will not position each part automaticly in PS or any other raster program.
The main advantage of using Flash is not drawing less parts, but to position them automaticly and then just ADDJUST.
Any program will force you to do every frame part-by-part, while in Flash frames are generated automaticly from parts.
And this is where you save time - believe me, or check it out by yourself - alot.
Even if you copy and paste same parts in photoshop and flash with template, PS will take muuuuch more time.