09-06-2013, 09:34 AM
(09-06-2013, 09:10 AM)Lauli Wrote: How do you have to modify the characters?Since it's based on collision between itr/kind: 14 and their bdy: all ther byds should end at the same same level (y+height-centery should be the same in all bdys).
Also for frames such as rowing and lying that doesn't have bdys a remote bdy at y: 1000 is used, along with a itr/kind: 14 in the solid object at the same height.
Age ratings for movies and games (and similar) have never been a good idea.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.
One can learn a lot from reinventing wheels.
An unsound argument is not the same as an invalid one.
volatile in C++ does not mean thread-safe.
Do not make APIs unnecessarily asynchronous.
Make C++ operator > again
Trump is an idiot.