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Keeping the enemy grabbed after a dash
I am sure most of you already managed to see this in Stage Mode: You grab someone, your mate dashes the enemy (or does another strong attack which should hit the enemy out of your hand e.g Bat Run Attack) but you keep him.
A few weeks ago, Zelphir and me finally played versus Mode just to practice it, and to see when exactly it will happen.
In this gif you will see when you have to attack your enemy:
[Image: aa153adbc5.gif]

To say it in words. You exactly have to click a short moment before he hits, so your character will just start the hit animtion the same moment the enemy hits the grabbed character.
Normally you will press it too early, so if you're trying to make it work, be patient ;)

You can also time it as the dashing guy, if your mate is reguarly doing his attacks (if he is trying to do all 5 punches).
I don't have a gif for that yet, but if someone wishes, we sure can make one for this as well.
[Image: 78f0db68c4.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Keeping the enemy grabbed after a dash - by Dr.Death - 09-12-2013, 10:49 AM

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