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Deep Speed-Run Stage Mode on Difficult
The only understandable thing to why characters would be banned is that some may have faster times overall compared to others. Like Silva said, separate categories can be made to promote a variety of different ways to run the game. Separating Ranged characters from the others is a possibility if that really is a problem (somebody should be able to verify if it is a problem or not. I haven't tested stage mode that well to know). Making a category for each character would be redundant.

I personally expect Woody to be the best speedrunning character in all honesty. With a good Dash Attack, a move that has good cover and hits multiple people, and a quick yet strong attack that costs nothing which can be chained into the previously mentioned moves... I think he just needs proper MP management in order to be the most effective. He can also just Tiger Dash his way to the end of the stage when he's done since he'll just recover his MP back. That's just my opinion though. I could be wrong.
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RE: Deep Speed-Run Stage Mode on Difficult - by Dragon5 - 09-22-2013, 11:03 PM

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