10-05-2013, 11:00 PM
These three are allowed to be revamped for this round. Pick one you like. Download the resources. Work on it until you are satisfied. Submit the result in this thread.
The development round will end a week after the third contestant has entered his work. Until then you may change and update your entry as often as you like or share your progress here.
There is no limit to how often a character may be revamped and no requirement of how many different characters need to be revamped for the contest. So a single round may end with one revamp for each character, but it could also end with several revamps of just one character.
Also I may not be able to stop you from collaborating, but I would much prefer if you tried to work on your own because one intention of this is to display how well everyone can manage on their own. Collaborations are supposed to be the aftermath of each round, where you can take the best out of all revamps for one character and put it all into one version.
favorite dcing techniques: wpoint | double key inputs | holding back | alternate basic moves