(12-08-2013, 11:48 PM)mundvoll_ Wrote: uhm is this a must have feature?To me it is a must feature. Else they are just very hard to connect. Very few people would recognize them to be related.
i found the thread where he titles Darius his rep char himself: http://ztage.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=7834 (scroll down a bit)
(12-07-2013, 06:22 PM)YinYin Wrote: Also member and character design need to have a strong connection. Means at least the name should match. (You can find a lot of 'representative' characters on LFE that don't share the name of their creator. That doesn't really work.)
We could argue about this, but the bottom line is: I won't add a character design to my list if the name doesn't somehow match up with the represented members nick (at some point in time or somewhere). edit: If it's his real name or he goes by 'Darius' somewhere it's definitely in. Just haven't seen that yet.
(12-08-2013, 11:52 PM)RtXaS Wrote: I suppose my avatar represents me everywhere.Pretty awesome!
favorite dcing techniques: wpoint | double key inputs | holding back | alternate basic moves