I don't necessarily see myself as LutiChris, even though yes- my past does reveal saying that he was already my rep char. If i hadn't been banned for being KaywonnJuto (excluding Jason_Wong, Mr. Pregnant...etc) i would have probably stuck with that character. Not that there is anything wrong with Luti but well... that's all behind me. The sprites i've associated with and my better behavior has branded my look for this current username. So im fine with having a handful of my sprites represent me, but you can guess i miss my kay.... oh-kay, it's just nostalgia and a slight physical likeness that i prefer. why would i associate myself with a dead account? because that's where it all began, a little piece of me, a little of my past and mostly because i can keep abusing that username over and over for other accounts. but yeah that's my take on my self-image of my lfe character
edit) actually the more i think about it, i don't miss kay that much.... hahaha almost forgot about him for the most part until i read your 1st post
to be honest i don't really care, i would like my rep char to be me in real life, which is why i even mentioned kay because i desired this old feel for the likeliness i admired back in middle school. those were the weird silly years. As for your goal for this thread: i kinda wanna re-design LutiChris during the holiday break, so that'll be fun
edit) actually the more i think about it, i don't miss kay that much.... hahaha almost forgot about him for the most part until i read your 1st post
to be honest i don't really care, i would like my rep char to be me in real life, which is why i even mentioned kay because i desired this old feel for the likeliness i admired back in middle school. those were the weird silly years. As for your goal for this thread: i kinda wanna re-design LutiChris during the holiday break, so that'll be fun
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality