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Zenshin LF2
Mostly everything is wait: 0 in this mod... The game is faster, but you failed to keep the fluency of the game going with no other adjustments made other than lowering MP costs. The itr is barely touched on most characters evidently, which is vital once you learn what each thing does. I'm used to reviewing though, so expect a bunch a detail from hereon-out. YinYin is actually right: the game is rather boring as projectiles have taken over. It isn't a one-button to win, but you still have destroyed many aspects of the game in aim of your "balance". It feels like it's something made to tackle stage mode honestly.

Davis repeatedly doing uppercuts is broken. A full bar of MP deals 65% health. Four uppercuts with full speed at only 25% MP each. Maybe I haven't explored it fully yet, but it does seem kinda iffy and the only fair trade is to use your mana to do another full uppercut with the counter mechanic in place. You also need to consider something very important: If a character undergoing velocity triggers a frame that uses dvx or dvy (can be during an itr as well), the velocity gets multiplied. I can cancel Dragon Punch into Leap to get some serious air. Did you even know about that trick? Try making an alternate version of moves instead of using the same line if so you don't have to compromise for both, if you wish to balance aerial moves.

Why did you increase the distance on Dennis's DvA, but not the force each hit does? I lowered his reach on my mod to ensure being close would guarantee the hits. Doing it repeatedly is just pointless as you pass the opponent by the second time. Making a move such as his Chasing Blast faster, and with the ability to do it in the air, all with a LOW COST, is actually quite dangerous to spam since it is safe. Jumping Hurricane Kick is definitely unfair since he gets all the benefits of priority combined with a new way to approach. I also need to say the third and fourth balls in his array feel off since everything is wait: 0 and those two are together. Slow it down to even the spread. You give me the impression this is your first endeavor into competitive design.

Did you even think it through with Louis? He lacks armor when he is attacking and walking. That makes his Phoenix Palm incredibly punishable. Slowing it down? It's far too slow even though the damage is roughly the same regardless of distance. Also, I noticed a flaw that makes his rapid kick useless from afar. A frame at the end of the loop has a fall: 70 itr that knocks down regardless. You can change the attacks to fall: 8 or fall: 16 to allow him to eventually knock down grounded, while making a fall: 70 below that itr to allow the opponent to be hit midair and not interfere with the light hits.

Any reason why Henry can shoot five arrows faster than one? >_> It's pointless to even simply press A now. All his other moves are now low-cost and versatile because it's just as fast as shooting one arrow, if not faster. Please at least slow down the spread shot as Henry will become the god of pressure at low health with that move. They also hit each other if you spam them too fast while falling from a jump.

WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO DEEP!?!?!? He is NERFED! What's the point of Deep's DvA being able to attack so fast when the first hit sends the opponent flying? The slowness of that move was actually intentional for him as it allowed for him to do decent combo damage. I'm not a pro Deep player, but I can say that you ruined a huge part of his game with that adjustment alone. Do you really expect anyone to follow up with his jump attack after sending the opponent that high? He can't do anything when the opponent can easily counter from that high thanks to your counter mechanic. Only half of his Strafe works because the vrest values are not adjusted to accommodate the speed. He's practically low-tier compared to everybody else. He's one of the most mechanic-dependent characters (with hit-lag in this case, at least) and you failed to consider the consequences of speeding him up. Not even his super punch works properly anymore after speeding it up thanks to bad vrest values; lower them! Deep's only real buff is his... wait for it... projectiles. Yep. Three at once and air-accessible. You changed him from being up close and personal, to another person that relies on projectiles to win. I noticed how you mess with the regular moves on the ground to not be as efficient while projectiles get the opposite treatment. This ain't new, kid!

I don't have the time to test everybody out. I lost interest after looking over just four anyway. The AI is indeed challenging, but I feel safe to say this isn't balanced, unless the bad design is intentional. A lot of things don't look right anyway.

This is what I call "drastic balancing" as the balance comes from extreme measures; such a case is so with the original LF2 as well, but not as extreme as this. I'm glad you released this because you really need feedback. Overall, it doesn't really feel thought through with holes here and there. Keep an eye on arest and vrest values to make sure each attack can connect when they are sped up... if you intend to do that, that is. Even though you managed to prevent infinites through bizarre counterattacks, that doesn't fix how sloppy the game feels from all these awkward buffs. I personally am turned off by how you buffed projectiles so much. It's kinda cliche to me. However, it's your mod, and it's just my opinion.

LouisEX: You nerfed his running attack by making him move faster...? Awkward tradeoff. Louis's swing from his upwards twirl never hits. He is too fast to hit someone after knocking the opponent that high. What's the point of pressing jump to make him boost that quick when you can't control anything with that move? It only hits once that way anyway for a stun. Jump attack is godly with his better jump providing him the ability to hit twice fully. That move is already OP imo. It's incredibly sloppy work, balanced or not.
Everyone may be able to beat each other, but why are you neglecting everything that defined the original characters?
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The first thing you must do to live a life of power is to find courage. You must reach beyond the boundaries of time itself.
And to do that, all you need is the will to take that first step...
Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others.
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Messages In This Thread
Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 02-28-2013, 08:55 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 04-15-2013, 08:03 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by Dragon5 - 04-19-2013, 08:25 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 05-07-2013, 08:14 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 03-04-2014, 03:25 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by YinYin - 03-04-2014, 04:13 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 03-04-2014, 04:34 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by YinYin - 03-04-2014, 05:18 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 03-04-2014, 08:00 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by AmadisLFE - 03-04-2014, 04:04 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by natpisk - 03-10-2014, 10:32 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by Dragon5 - 03-10-2014, 11:22 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 03-17-2014, 12:05 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 03-17-2014, 01:54 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by YinYin - 03-17-2014, 03:13 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 03-17-2014, 06:19 PM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by xShui - 03-18-2014, 09:38 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by AmadisLFE - 03-11-2014, 07:11 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by Dragon5 - 03-17-2014, 03:35 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by STM1993 - 03-17-2014, 04:02 AM
RE: Zenshin LF2 - by Dragon5 - 03-18-2014, 05:55 AM

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