Changelog: -Added Kurapika -Added Hiei -Improved Menu -Changed attack effects -New icon
-Faster charging for all characters
-When you press attack at the same time as enemy, you will be taken to clash frames (You have to click button that is shown above you) This happens too if you clash with Dashes
-Sound effects
-Specials from air can be used in frames J-<>J
-Balanced damage and mana costs
-During charge attacks, when out of mana,character will perform loaded attack.
Gon: -During Fast Foward, Gon can move on z axis -Scissors and Paper are faster now -Jajanken: Rock lvl2 improved -Jajanken: Rock lvl1 faster + goes forward a little -Jajanken: scisors able to move on z axis -Enemy will always fly behind Gon after being hit with fishing rod
Killua: -new attack (AJ) -Whirlwind changed -You can press D while in Rhythm Echo to replace Killua with afterimage -Can no longer make A-A-A run-A combo -Teleport now can be used in air -Fixed Jojo lvl 1
Yusuke: -Yusuke now will stop after landing a hit with Headbutt (which is faster now)
Specials preview:
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