@ JoHo
A Broptip:
All you're lacking is exactly what was JustMe all about... you're up to this tutorial: http://www.lf-empire.de/forum/showthread.php?tid=8004
ESPECIALLY THIS POST: http://www.lf-empire.de/forum/showthread...#pid152936
or you're up to nothing.
I just want you to read this badly madly carefully and understand the rules. Your sprites can reach high level, sicne you are drawing them really nice and detailed, but you still have to work over the shapes and poses.
The tutorial by JustMe is probably one of most needed on this phorums, sadly he doesn't come here often for now.
Once again - good luck and keep it up.
Wouldn't say so. Even I got used to it.
A Broptip:
All you're lacking is exactly what was JustMe all about... you're up to this tutorial: http://www.lf-empire.de/forum/showthread.php?tid=8004
ESPECIALLY THIS POST: http://www.lf-empire.de/forum/showthread...#pid152936
or you're up to nothing.
I just want you to read this badly madly carefully and understand the rules. Your sprites can reach high level, sicne you are drawing them really nice and detailed, but you still have to work over the shapes and poses.
The tutorial by JustMe is probably one of most needed on this phorums, sadly he doesn't come here often for now.
Once again - good luck and keep it up.
(07-23-2014, 06:28 PM)EXG9 Wrote: edit: and just because of this some people will start hating me
Wouldn't say so. Even I got used to it.