Oh I see now! R-LF2 still has its own exe (which is a 1.9 version).
@Regebob: Regardless of the name of the folder, the R-LF2's exe is still a 1.9c. 1.9c won't load mirrored sprites even if they existed.
Thus, can't be done.
Edit: @bashs: R-LF2 uses its own modified exe which is a 1.9c version. 2.0a will and does read the mirrored sprites.
@Regebob: Regardless of the name of the folder, the R-LF2's exe is still a 1.9c. 1.9c won't load mirrored sprites even if they existed.
Thus, can't be done.
Edit: @bashs: R-LF2 uses its own modified exe which is a 1.9c version. 2.0a will and does read the mirrored sprites.
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