10-02-2014, 03:24 PM
On characters:
- How many new characters should be added? Name a minimum and a maximum (if you don't mind, just leave it open
I believe that we should add like about 10 characters. (including new minnions)
3-4 for the main enemy.
1-2 for the secondary enemy .
1-4 for the minnions, support characters.
- What kind of characters can be added?
If talking about character types then it should be, meele, middle range and long range.
Close range is more like fighter style that uses punches, kicks, etc.
Middle range like Deep, can shoot ball type objects but also uses close combat elements.
Long range, something like archer, gunner, using magic attacks that realises only attacks that was ment to be fired from a distance (like LF2 sorccecer)
- Should combos be limited in any way, and how?
Only MP should limit it.
- How much should we change on the existing characters' sprites?
add some extra details like new clothes, longer hair, scars and something like that.
Maybe a weapon.
- How much should we change on the existing characters' data?
Let's make more variety of combos like on other fighter games.
I would like to see something like:
You perform a combo (Davis uppercut) by sending enemy to the air and get opportunity to do bigger variety of moves ( for example :
DvA would do davis jump and knock down target.
D>A would wait a bit and then do kick/shoulder ram/another punch to attack falling object.
D^A release the ball type object or jump and kick enemy forward)
It might get complicated but allow player to decide whats next
- How much should we change on the existing characters' AI?
Make it challenging.
- How big can energy attacks be?
Depends on the energy used.
- How powerful can characters be compared to the original ones?
Maybe some little stronger than og. Some could a lot stronger.
- Anything else you'd like to say about the characters and the limitations?
I would like to kick some characters and just leave these ones:
Main characters :
Davis , Woody, Dennis, Rudolf, Jan, LouisEX, Jack.
Deep, Henry, Bat, Bandit, Hunter, Mark.
Bandit, Mark.
On the story mode:
- Should we include a real story, with animations and text?
Yes, what about cutscene art? or more comic/manga style story part?
- How much shall we change the original stages?
Make some new stages.
Make Village as the 1st stage and then add or edit some stages like making it night and so.
- Should we do advanced data changing for the story mode, like done in the forum mod and YinYin's template things?
why not?
- Anything else you'd like to say about the story mode and the limitations?
Add various task in the story mode (run before something collapses, stay alive against enemy for some ammount of time, kill all enemies before time runs out, dont let support character die)
Add custom bgm, new bgm
- How many new characters should be added? Name a minimum and a maximum (if you don't mind, just leave it open
I believe that we should add like about 10 characters. (including new minnions)
3-4 for the main enemy.
1-2 for the secondary enemy .
1-4 for the minnions, support characters.
- What kind of characters can be added?
If talking about character types then it should be, meele, middle range and long range.
Close range is more like fighter style that uses punches, kicks, etc.
Middle range like Deep, can shoot ball type objects but also uses close combat elements.
Long range, something like archer, gunner, using magic attacks that realises only attacks that was ment to be fired from a distance (like LF2 sorccecer)
- Should combos be limited in any way, and how?
Only MP should limit it.
- How much should we change on the existing characters' sprites?
add some extra details like new clothes, longer hair, scars and something like that.
Maybe a weapon.
- How much should we change on the existing characters' data?
Let's make more variety of combos like on other fighter games.
I would like to see something like:
You perform a combo (Davis uppercut) by sending enemy to the air and get opportunity to do bigger variety of moves ( for example :
DvA would do davis jump and knock down target.
D>A would wait a bit and then do kick/shoulder ram/another punch to attack falling object.
D^A release the ball type object or jump and kick enemy forward)
It might get complicated but allow player to decide whats next
- How much should we change on the existing characters' AI?
Make it challenging.
- How big can energy attacks be?
Depends on the energy used.
- How powerful can characters be compared to the original ones?
Maybe some little stronger than og. Some could a lot stronger.
- Anything else you'd like to say about the characters and the limitations?
I would like to kick some characters and just leave these ones:
Main characters :
Davis , Woody, Dennis, Rudolf, Jan, LouisEX, Jack.
Deep, Henry, Bat, Bandit, Hunter, Mark.
Bandit, Mark.
On the story mode:
- Should we include a real story, with animations and text?
Yes, what about cutscene art? or more comic/manga style story part?
- How much shall we change the original stages?
Make some new stages.
Make Village as the 1st stage and then add or edit some stages like making it night and so.
- Should we do advanced data changing for the story mode, like done in the forum mod and YinYin's template things?
why not?
- Anything else you'd like to say about the story mode and the limitations?
Add various task in the story mode (run before something collapses, stay alive against enemy for some ammount of time, kill all enemies before time runs out, dont let support character die)
Add custom bgm, new bgm