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Story mode (nearly complete story on page 8)
well the thing that they are orc is not the important stuff in this
i chose orcs cuz of few things-
the masks supposed to be different from each other
so purple guys like julian are out
red demons are too common and boring
so i went on green orcs that is indeed different than human and fit to the story - they are brutal and come from their tribe 
eager to become stronger (their daily rotation is kill, eat and sleep)

the wizard is not the problem
the thing is he look to become youger etc..
that story is banal
u find this kind of story of a guy try to become youg and kill whoever on his way in many places

the problem is that u try to think of a cool story comparing to something u already know (dbz/naruto or whatever u said there).
1)u need to take lf2
2)understand the idea of it
3)twist it a little
4)add something new
5)lastly fuse it together with minor adjustment
repeat step 3-5 until u canceled all the common ideas that came to ur mind until ur satisfied enough

thats the way to get a creative idea
i dont say mine is super creative but if u guys want to try to follow those step
just think in ur mind few times about at least 3 different ideas and write/sketch them down

for my idea-
yea orc is not that creative but thats not the point here
i tried to think on a continue story for the game not bringing something totaly new
but keeping the touch of the normal lf2 and thats what i tried to bring with my ideas

for my votes:

1#my idea
orcs came to town (got this idea also from mono elf sprite)

they are brutal they come on wooden ships and there are hunders of them
for example:
regular orcs (compare to bandits)
mutant orcs (bit bigger and stronger than regular)
warlock orcs (like sorcerer,firen,freeze,john)
captains that are special orcs (compare to normal char like davis woody bat etc)
king orc (compare to Julian)
3 royal guardians that protect the king (stronger than the normal chars but weaker than julian something like firzen)
now for the catch here, the king have a mask similar to julian and he came to take julian masks cuz stories tells that if one control all the masks he become a god
our little fighters went to gather the other masks so they will have a chance to fight the king and his royal guardians 
the story will take place few years after the normal story
lets says there are 7 masks in total
julian have 1 , the orc king got 2 one on him and one on one of his guardians (btw each mask will look different and will bring different powers)
with that there are 3
so the next 4 will be for the little fighters to find
so the stage mod will start fighting the orcs and hearing about the story about the masks
than it will continue while searching for the next 4 mask and lastly getting julian to our side
than we will choose which chars will get each other mask for the storyline
and together with julian they go fight against the orc king and his guardians 
with those mask in the storyline we can make the new abilities make sense
(we can even make more mask not only 7 and than every fighter will get his own mask)

2#my idea
Julian dies, firen and freeze are out of the game they are firzen now (but i do think we need to remake his attack and balance him with the originals cuz he is op)

original louis is also out only ex left cuz if it is a continue he is already upgraded
so we got the ids of the fusions and the evolve chars open keep that in mind for later
now few years after the war all the chars got new attacks and they kept in contact expect of davis
after the horror of what julian did to many of his friends he realize this world is a huge just a nightmare
so he want to eliminate the world that way no one need to suffer anymore
he trained the same time as the others but suddenly he started acting
and the news about his change came to the other fighters
dennis and woody his best friends couldnt leave him to do that and they went on to talk with him
but davis didnt give up, indeed he mind controled them and gave them some of the powers he stole from the ones he kill
the other fighters think that woody and dennis betrayed them
so they grouped up (the ones that survived, i think we should kill a few just so we dont have too much chars)
and they went to gather new fighters to help them on
(those can be change just some examples of what the new chars could be)
the first one is Davis's younger brother
the second is Rudolf's master
the third one is human justin
now Davis also gathered many fighters to help him but
instead of keeping them he fused them to one ultimate solider
so just a map of chars we got so far:
davis->dennis,woody,ultimate solider->smaller soliders like candits hunters etc..
and our good group-
Bat, Deep, Firzen, Henry, Jan, John, LouisEX, Rudolf. and the new guys- Davis's younger brother, Rudolf's master and human justin
now remember we kept the ids of louis firen and freeze?
so davis see dennis and woody cant handle things alone- he fuses them together
and for the evolve char just chose one of those to evolve to an ex ^_^ -Bat, Deep, Henry, John, Rudolf
remember Louis stay LouisEx but he is named as Louis he just not have armor he got his spear

3#Rhino.Freak's idea A story on the timeline 3-4 years after the original LF2.. this allows for some changes to the original fighters. This way we'll have slightly different looking characters (can be made with minor adjustments like adding a beard or changing hairstyle or buffing up etc). And new powerful moves would make sense.
Also they now have more friends with them, that is the extra GOOD side playable characters.. And naturally there will be extra EVIL side characters too..
Since this is Extended LF2, this was my idea, to stay closer to what LF2 actually is.
[Image: p45mycA.png]
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RE: Brainstorm on a theme - by Memento - 10-06-2014, 01:29 PM
RE: Brainstorm on a theme - by Gespenst - 10-06-2014, 01:34 PM
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