(10-09-2014, 05:15 AM)Ariel Wrote: Yo guys ☺️ Got some wifi sooWhy don't u delete firen and freeze and put firen instead Cuz u know they already fusedAnd it will open the fusing chars I'd of us for the new chars ?Just if u wantI'll be very happy if my char loden could be also in the game if u agreeNow for ideasIt can be nice to add some little brothers of the main charsLike for exampleDeep younger brotherMight use some kind of a dagger and he wil look some thing close to deepSo for abilitiesA new ice char instead if freezeNew fire guy same reasonNow 2 new guys that will be fusingNot the fire an d ice guysSome thing newWe will need to get some creative idea for themAnd 1 char the will be the fusionThat's it for me now ?I'll try to login again in a couple if days
Good day Ariel!
This actually belongs in the other topic, what characters should be deleted (if any)... but I understand the confusion as I made two way too similar topics

Not sure if I shared my opinion on this before or not... But deleting Firen and Freeze doesn't seem like a good idea to me. I actually like both quite a bit, and they fit in the mod pretty good. Besides, who knows: maybe Firzen can't be Firzen forever after fusing, it's just what your fantasy makes of it.
I think we should leave them all in, even if they do not appear in the story, except if the characters are totally impopular (at this point, I think only Louis and Template really volunteer for the title 'totally impopular', and Template is the only character that I'd kick out for sure). If a character doesn't fit in the story mode and you'd still want him to be, we need to make that character fit in or make the story work for them (f.e. Jack/Monk).
What do you guys think?