Those colors (gray-ish) probably are best for a wind-type character. We could add some of this color eventually, so he isn't just gray. (Edit: the color should be more gray-ish than this actually) And some details in sky-blue would fit colorwise
Are the sprites for this other wind type character lost, or does someone still have them? Just curious
I will try to make a wind-character design ASAP. But it would be great if Mono/Arcane could make something as well, as my spriting skills are inferior to theirs
Does anyone feel like making a new general / boss design? It doesn't have to be as fancy as the examples I posted 1 or 2 pages back I might give it a shot, too.
Are the sprites for this other wind type character lost, or does someone still have them? Just curious
I will try to make a wind-character design ASAP. But it would be great if Mono/Arcane could make something as well, as my spriting skills are inferior to theirs
Does anyone feel like making a new general / boss design? It doesn't have to be as fancy as the examples I posted 1 or 2 pages back I might give it a shot, too.