(02-26-2015, 05:02 PM)DARK-EVIL Wrote: you guys know that I am Making A mode.While making that mode mode I got some problems on exe 2.0
At first I tried to add the normal Lf2 version2.0 exe to my mode folder.But its doesn't work. So I was checking exe files but A exe I found and copy that to my mod's folder.I open It works.That exe was from Lf2 Anarchy.
I guess LF2 anarchy used LF2 v1.9 as well, so 1.9 should work fine. You need to make mirror sprites if you want want to use 2.0.
(02-26-2015, 05:02 PM)DARK-EVIL Wrote: But I didn't notice one thing there Is a move created by all own.
It creates every characters a move.Like the Character I am playing Hurts itself when I press Jump and defense together
I didn't add that moves to characters. But When I petted the exe 1.9 in there its the same.
So how Can I fix that.
I didn't really understand this part..