03-15-2015, 05:21 AM
(03-13-2015, 01:43 PM)prince_freeza Wrote: I thought we could discuss some theories and other aspects of LF2 in here.
i have had this one theory about jack & justin for as long as i can remember, i think we even discussed it once on the IRC chat but nothing with much details, so it would be interesting to hear your thoughts and opinions about it and maybe even share some theories of your own.
Jack is Justin ~ Pf (Click to View)LF2 Theory: Jack & Justin are the same person.
This theory suggests that Jack and Justin are the same person, offering his soul to Julian in exchange for power Jack gets transformed into Justin becoming one of Julian's minions.
i don't have much details on the way julian takes over a certain character, but i like to think he offers them a "mask" similar to his and the moment they put it on it brings out the evil in them and they become submissive to the one that wears the bigger or rather "original" mask which is Julian.
Similar move set?!
Both characters have the a very similar move set which consists of 2 moves, a projectile shooting move and a close range (melee) move.
Note how Jack and Justin spawn similar looking energy balls in their D>A, Justin's ball looks slightly bigger but in the same time looses its traveling distance and falls apart after a few yards.
D^A to DvA
Their melee attacks are so similar yet so different in the same time.
Jack relies on kicks in all of his attacks (super punch,dash,d^a...etc)
Justin relies on punches in all of his attacks (super punch,dash,dva...etc)
we can clearly see right here:
Firzen is Julian ~ mono (Click to View)Same idea have been in my head from the time when I learned about LF2 game (6-7 years ago).
Also, I have another theory about Julian and Firzen.
Julian is evil side of the Firzen. Let's say that when evil side gets separated it becomes darker, because its evil, and gets a mask covering its face. Like in Bleach anime about hollows.
They are mirror images of each other. Like in the mirror, they say that you can see monster inside yourself.
Like PF have said about attacks being different yet the same. Its same with this one. They look different and the same. Firzen is using shield to hide himself because his counter punch would not be powerful enough to knock the attacker. He relies more the defence. His attacks intend to defend more than attack. What I see in his explosion is that the explosion freezes enemy and stops them but also because of Firen mixture, it spawns some fire balls and attacks.Same about his final flash like wave. It uses energy to spawn weak energy waves but many of them to keep someone from attacking, not to attack.
Julian relies more on offensive power. Look at his defending arm. Its just showing that he is defending but his other arm says " I will punch you right after you fail attacking". As his explosion, it sends enemy away like the
real explosion. His kamehame like energy ball destroys everything in his way.
Both have 4 frames for two punches together
Notice how one goes up and another goes down and Firzen changes its facial expression? Same with Julians eyes, it starts glowing.
Jump attack.
It explains the same thing with mirror image.
Both have 3 Images (I found 3 images for CHARGING) and how they release their explosions?
Look how Firzen looks like trying to defend himself and yet to charge some energy. Why I said defend. Its because he is worried that he might not pull that explosion off. When he release his explosive power, yes Firen have same way of doing but Firzen is doing it because he is trying to defend. Like making a barier when he waves with his arms after explosion is done. His face expression. Look at it. His eyes are closed and we can see his teeths. He is trying hard. And when you are trying hard to do something? You do exact same expression. When you try to lift something, hold something heavy. Your face muscles forces you to make this expression because they also gets some pressure.
sure.You do not feel confident enough and you close your eyes or "bite" your teeths because you are scare of the result which might be bad if you wont pull this off.
Julians case is different. He is confident. He has the power to attack, he cares more about atk than def. He knows that he will pull this of and as a result he leaves himself wide open. This is actualy a good strategy to leave yourself open when you charging energy so your enemys would come closer and you could destroy them. We cannot see his facial expression but we can see that his pose. His pose is like the ruling person would have. Arms raised up (yes, his attack goes up) saying "I am the king, I am the master, I am the powerful one here" He might be anger but he is showing that he is more powerfull being than you.
Same goes with good and evil. Good always fights back but it also have a mission to defend. Good is weaker but in the end it still beats evil. Bad side is always more confident and wants to destroy weaker and rule the world because he is more powerful but that makes him loose because he forgets about everything else and depends only on firepowerCrimson stone in john amulet, louis armor ~ YinYin (Click to View)
The red gems inside Johns amulet and Louis’ trident armor are of the same material: crimson stone. Johns amulet is an artefact passed down to him. He might know about its power, but chooses not to abuse it. The gem in Louis’ armor is the magical power source that allows him to transform it into the trident.
But there is more.
It is not uncommon for conflicts to break out over resources. And this rare ore supposedly charged with energy is of great interest to Julian. Why? Because his very own mask, which greatly boosted his power, uses this material as an energy source. Have you noticed his eyes glowing red, opposed to his purple energy signature? The mask has a layer made from crimson powder on the inside, fusing it directly to his face. And being a demonic artefact the mask not only gave him power but also changed his physique: a much bulkier body, grey skin and flesh and the responsible crimson energy can still be seen glowing through his eyes.
Julian himself may not need any more crimson stone. His mask makes him strong enough already. But for every new loyal minion he wants to create he needs to craft a weak copy of it. Bandits are just too stupid for the job and prone to desertion.
But what will he do once he has control over all crimson mines? Conquer space?Little fighters have a master ~ STM1993 (Click to View)It is popular to believe that the 10 main characters are a group of Little Fighters with a master, so that's where we'll begin. My whole LF2 story lies in two key factors:
* Some characters only ever appear in stage 5 and nowhere else - Bat, Justin, Knight and the only enemy Monk in 5-1.
* Cloning is possible - which is why there are multiple copies of hero characters (the regular mooks are generic anyway).
Shortly after coming back from exploring, Bat and the LFs' master (a Monk) would go missing. The LFs set out to look for them, at first believing them kidnapped by the bandits under Mark. The LFs then search the Stanley Prison for them, believing they could be wrongly caught for a crime. That is when they saw their own clones, tipping them off that something was wrong. They recall a legend about Julian and Bat's recent exploration in the same area, so they decide to set off in that direction via the Great Wall.
After beating Louis' clone, they reached the legendary Queen's Island. Unfortunately, Firzen had allied himself with Julian and guarded the entrance to the Forbidden Tower alongside Firen/Freeze clones. Upon arriving in Forbidden Tower, the LFs encountered a clone of their master and defeated him, then freed the original shortly after. That is when the conspiracy is revealed.
Julian had returned. Bat encountered Julian in his travels and was brainwashed into serving Julian, whereupon he would return to kidnap the LFs' master. Using the knowledge the master had of the LFs' fighting styles, Julian was able to create clones of the LFs as part of his army, and also planned to use this to infiltrate the people. Bat had not been cloned because he was caught before Julian learned of the power and was too useful as his right-hand man. Yadda yadda, they knock Bat into his senses, manage to convince a clone of Louis(EX) to join their side, take down a Firzen clone, then finish off Julian.Julian is Davis ~ T@I (Click to View)* Same users speculated that Davis and Julian have a connection, perhaps they're even the same person!
- Both have a slight resemblance in appearance, especially in the hair: both have a brown and spiky hair, with Julian's just being longer. Also, both have ears.
- Both share a light resemblance in some of their movements. I'll start with their upper-cuts:
For some reason, Davis' Dragon-Punch glows while Julian's Upper-Cut doesn't. I suspect that the Dragon Punch is pure and holy, so when Davis bacame cottupted, the soul of the dragon (or something like that I don't know...) left him. So he still knows how to do the trick, but without the soul of the dragon (or something like that I don't know...).
- As for the Energy Blast, Julian's blasts look more like Davis' than Dennis'. Julians blasts are whay more powerful and much faster. That means of course that Julian gained much more power by sacrificing his good side and the soul of the dragon (or something like that I don't know...).
- They also share a similar basic movement: Both Dash attacks deal 80 damage (please conform this) and both move the same when they runattack, but Julian glows and charges his run attack. That might bt the substitue to the soul of the dragon (or something like that I don't know...).the link between John and Jan ~ Lutichris (Click to View)
Jan is actually John who is conspiring to become Davis's lover without him knowing.
Although their appearance is vastly different John has been known to be a little extravagant in his wardrobe and is often depicted as sexually frustrated with the same sex. Jan and John both both wear a red pendant and cast magical healing spells and even though she uses an orb instead of wand they could still be linked to one another... maybe they're even the same item!
The little Red pendant around John's neck could tighten up and retract itself close to his neck when he transforms into Jan. Lets also consider the fact that he wears blue. Jan has two versions of herself a blue one and a pink one. Maybe the cloned version is really the pink one (you fight them anyways in stage mode) you also get to free the blue one that's tied up.
Ah but what if we have two of them in the room (John and Jan)?
And the #1 answer to everything in this universe is.... you guessed it. CLONES!
John probably already knows how to cast clones because in Hero Fighter's we see Taylor (a mage) do the exact same thing. So it's possible that John had his clones tied up and was captured by Julian and exploited John's ability on clone-making to build a massive pink army of Jan's. Thus John felt guilty (thinking he was responsible for the whole incident) and vowed never to do clones again. Or so he thinks... it's possible Rudolf could have been a double agent in disguise and shared his knowledge about clone making to begin with. But I digress...
... it may just as well be a theory. A Gamy Theory!
ideas and thoughts are welcome of course, and in case anyone has a theory of their own please do share
how can there be two julians
on as firzen and the other as davis