03-24-2015, 03:01 PM
you could do that in a mod.
each ball except for the reflecting one has a special bdy at a high y value in the rebounding frames.
in the first frame the reflecting ball creates an invisible ball that moves along with it (ik8?).
that invisible ball has a (second?) ik8 at the y level of the other balls.
the reflecting ball has a regular john shield effect and a body at a special y value (yes, another).
when the invisible balls ik8 interacts with a ball bdy, it catches the reflecting ball and brings it to a ball_hit frame sequence.
this may be a little ugly code wise, but its the first thing that came to my mind
each ball except for the reflecting one has a special bdy at a high y value in the rebounding frames.
in the first frame the reflecting ball creates an invisible ball that moves along with it (ik8?).
that invisible ball has a (second?) ik8 at the y level of the other balls.
the reflecting ball has a regular john shield effect and a body at a special y value (yes, another).
when the invisible balls ik8 interacts with a ball bdy, it catches the reflecting ball and brings it to a ball_hit frame sequence.
this may be a little ugly code wise, but its the first thing that came to my mind