Hi guys,
I don't like to set rules, yet, I think we need some to keep this project going
These rules are actually more like guide-lines.
1) If you want to know what you can work on at the moment, read this
2) If you want to start a topic, please mention it here first: http://lf-empire.de/forum/showthread.php?tid=9472
This is to prevent subprojects (like characters) from being started too early. Also, if you don't know if you should already make a topic or perhaps need more ideas etc first, this topic is also the place to ask this.
3) Report in once a week, or at least every 2 weeks!. What are you working on, what is the progress of last week. Please take this one seriously, you may not be able to make something every week but we do like somewhat constant progression!
4) Decisions on new ideas (such as new moves etc) are made by the topic leader and me. This would mean that only 2 people have to agree on an idea before we can start, this makes decicion making much faster. If you want to share your opinion, your vote still counts! It is a democracy
If you don't want to reply, you can also press the 'thanks' button for the post with the new idea. This rule is simply there because often only few people share their opinions.
I don't like to set rules, yet, I think we need some to keep this project going

1) If you want to know what you can work on at the moment, read this
2) If you want to start a topic, please mention it here first: http://lf-empire.de/forum/showthread.php?tid=9472
This is to prevent subprojects (like characters) from being started too early. Also, if you don't know if you should already make a topic or perhaps need more ideas etc first, this topic is also the place to ask this.
3) Report in once a week, or at least every 2 weeks!. What are you working on, what is the progress of last week. Please take this one seriously, you may not be able to make something every week but we do like somewhat constant progression!
4) Decisions on new ideas (such as new moves etc) are made by the topic leader and me. This would mean that only 2 people have to agree on an idea before we can start, this makes decicion making much faster. If you want to share your opinion, your vote still counts! It is a democracy