OK so I found out that the effects are actually working, but only to P1. You see, when I tested out effects, I set the attacker as P2 with effect: 2XXX, and P1 gain the HP XXX. But when I switched to P1 as attacker (like in your proofs), P1 gain the HP XXX. I think the problem is that no matter what player attack with effect: 2XXX, the HP will go to P1.
for the bdy: 1XXX part, sorry I mixed it up XD. I thought the original function of this was transform the owner to ID XXX. My bad! :P
for the timestop state, I tested out with state: 3000500 and works normally!
but when I put the probability to 70% (state: 3700500) and the game crashes in both VS and stage mode but not always, sometimes the game runs normally after I input the skill that the character use timestop, but sometimes it crashes before the skill is used.
for the bdy: 1XXX part, sorry I mixed it up XD. I thought the original function of this was transform the owner to ID XXX. My bad! :P
for the timestop state, I tested out with state: 3000500 and works normally!
but when I put the probability to 70% (state: 3700500) and the game crashes in both VS and stage mode but not always, sometimes the game runs normally after I input the skill that the character use timestop, but sometimes it crashes before the skill is used.