(Air) shockwave and eventually the ground punch are the only really popular options it seems.
1) Shockwave
- air
- ground
2) Ground punch
- random effect (you don't know what is going to happen exactly, like where the move is going to cause damage)
- set effect (the effect is always the same, like in the original LF2)
My vote goes to: 1) shockwave, air version.
If the amount of votes for shockwave and ground punch are going to be the same, I'm also fine with the ground punch.
Quote:I still dont prefer laser but i see you guys want it so bad.Ariel also liked the laser but prefered the shockwave, which leaves the laser attack with only few people (1 or 2) that prefer it... so lets vote for the more popular options:
1) Shockwave
- air
- ground
2) Ground punch
- random effect (you don't know what is going to happen exactly, like where the move is going to cause damage)
- set effect (the effect is always the same, like in the original LF2)
My vote goes to: 1) shockwave, air version.
If the amount of votes for shockwave and ground punch are going to be the same, I'm also fine with the ground punch.