06-20-2015, 11:01 PM
(06-20-2015, 05:34 AM)Dia6lo Wrote: Okay, it's my turn to throw a rock about c# in this field. Here you are:0. Doesn't make a difference.
0. .NET
1. Syntactic sugar
2. Resharper (crazy stuff)
4. Tons of syntactic sugar
5. Garbage collection (seriously, this one helps much)
6. No headers or includes
7. No -> or ::, just dot(.)
8. Properties, as wel as auto-properties
9. Readonly fields (not const)
I won't explain any of are these things. Use google, ffs
1. Just a matter of taste and what you've gotten used to really. I know people who find C languages more readable compared to supposedly clearer languages like Python.
2. Oh well, that is pretty cool. I would rather type down these few lines myself though.
3. The functions can be implemented easily with C++ templates. And if you'd like to go more fancy and SQL-like with streams: https://cpplinq.codeplex.com/.
4. Tons of 1.
5. Already on the way for C++.
6. "using" still. Header files are meant to act like blue prints. They can suffice as a documentation, or a reference guide at least.
7. erm. Are you blaming C++ to be more specific? The "->" is used to access data at pointers; that which is absent in C#. References you say? You lose pointer arithmetic.
8. Ah well.
9. I am not sure, but I think they can be said to be like C++'s static variables.
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