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Little Fighter 3. Hopes and expectations
tyt2y3 is doing a great job in making mobile compatible LF2 clone called F.LF, but he is not trying to make a brand new game or LF3, main goal is to have an open source LF2 that people can mod easily. A-Engine and Neora are both very promising, they're trying to carry DCing to a new level.

(07-04-2015, 09:18 PM)Doctor A Wrote:  
(06-28-2015, 09:09 PM)Nightmarex1337 Wrote:  I wonder if I should keep developing LF2.IDE or start coding a new LF2-like engine..?
Show me what you've got :P
My response to this:
Ultimate Little Fighter
Don't expect to play it, it's just a template for possible development, but this file contains some nice DC ideas...
Ultimately, my constant dissatisfaction with the way things are becomes the driving force behind everything I do.
[Image: sigline.png]
LF2 IDE - Advanced visual data changer featuring instant data loader
LF2 Sprite Sheet Generator - Template based sprite sheet generator based on Gad's method
[Image: sigline.png]
There is no perfect language, but C++ is the worst.
Thanks given by: A-Man

Messages In This Thread
RE: Little Fighter 3. Hopes and expectations - by NightmareX1337 - 08-20-2015, 03:08 PM

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