What if you didn't have to resort to psychological or physical pressure?
Is negligence permissible if a person in question is seeking attention and they come to you for help with the knowledge that they are probably going to harm/kill themselves in the process. While it seems to me that it's not punishable by law for an adult to commit suicide and have other bystanders not do anything about it, when someone can not take care of themselves (under-aged kid, the elderly, and mentally handicapped patients...etc) it seems like the fault is on the caretaker if they were aware of the events that led to the death of the such persons. I'm sure people who are sent to mental wards, hospitals, and retirement homes have to sign some sort of waver saying they are responsible for taking care of them but what about allowing parents to let their children die and have them plea a deal that allows them to avoid prison? are they not murderer's because they were unaware that their child would die? Seems to me that they aren't 1st degree murderer's because they didn't know but would that still make them second degree murders?
The reason why i ask is some parent could pray for their child to be healed even though such things could be easily avoided with the help of medical professionals. Here's an example: A family likes to travel to unsafe areas, their daughter gets bitten by a poisonous snake. They refuse to take their beloved daughter to a hospital because they believe prayer works. She dies the next day. They continue having more kids and do the same dangerous activities. Even though they are oblivious to these patterns of consequences are they still not murderer's? I agree that it can be tricky and things depend on case-by-case situations but i'm just trying to invoke responses from you guys in hopes to getting some of you thinking.
Is negligence permissible if a person in question is seeking attention and they come to you for help with the knowledge that they are probably going to harm/kill themselves in the process. While it seems to me that it's not punishable by law for an adult to commit suicide and have other bystanders not do anything about it, when someone can not take care of themselves (under-aged kid, the elderly, and mentally handicapped patients...etc) it seems like the fault is on the caretaker if they were aware of the events that led to the death of the such persons. I'm sure people who are sent to mental wards, hospitals, and retirement homes have to sign some sort of waver saying they are responsible for taking care of them but what about allowing parents to let their children die and have them plea a deal that allows them to avoid prison? are they not murderer's because they were unaware that their child would die? Seems to me that they aren't 1st degree murderer's because they didn't know but would that still make them second degree murders?
A-Man Wrote:Another bizarre situation is forcing one to take a risk which he might die because of.
The reason why i ask is some parent could pray for their child to be healed even though such things could be easily avoided with the help of medical professionals. Here's an example: A family likes to travel to unsafe areas, their daughter gets bitten by a poisonous snake. They refuse to take their beloved daughter to a hospital because they believe prayer works. She dies the next day. They continue having more kids and do the same dangerous activities. Even though they are oblivious to these patterns of consequences are they still not murderer's? I agree that it can be tricky and things depend on case-by-case situations but i'm just trying to invoke responses from you guys in hopes to getting some of you thinking.
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality