They decide to head back to the blacksmith Brady and ask him whether he knows about Matt's exact whereabouts.
Brady: Matt? Isn't he at his store?
SirFrog: No... the store is closed, and a note said he's out on a family emergency and will return in a couple of days.
Brady: This is strange. I've heard nothing of such. And... if I'm not mistaken, Matt doesn't really have much of a family.
Blue Phoenix: Excuse me?
Brady: If I may propose going there now together, I have a dark presumption.
The group follows Brady as they march through the village, picking Hannah up on the way.
Hannah: Matt is not married. His only family used to be a young niece of fifteen years. She passed away last summer during a heavy storm. Her parents both died longer ago, shortly after her birth.
Brady: Not quite. The niece technically didn't pass away, she simply disappeared during a visit to her best friend.
Bamboori: I don't understand.
Brady: Hold on.
They reach the desert store, the note still hanging where it's been hanging before. Brady steps up to the door and tries to open it. Then he bashes his fist on the door several times.
Brady: Matt! You there?
No answer.
Brady: Matt's niece, Eleana, was best friends with a farmer's daughter, who lived on a farm quite at the edge of the Rinstar Highlands, which are to the east. She would go visit the farm quite often in the warmer months, as there aren't many other young people in JG Rime and she didn't click with any of them. Eleana was also quite fond of horses, and that farm had lots of them.
Hannah: One day last summer Eleana would again leave JG Rime to visit them, but shortly thereafter, a heavy thunderstorm hit these lands. It kept raining for days, too. After the rain had subsided, Matt started asking around whether we'd seen her niece. It was not unusual that she would stay with the farmer's family for a couple of days, but this time it was different. She didn't come home for one more week, and then Matt decided to leave and visit the farm himself. He came back two days later, claiming that Eleana had never been to the farm the preceding two months.
Brady: That was really hard on him. We organized a search party and retraced her route to the farm, but there was no sign of her. Eventually, we had to give up. Matt however wouldn't calm down for months, became more aggressive and started drinking excessively, all while shouting to himself that he needed to go out and find his niece. Luckily, after these months passed, he came to accept his fate and calmed down.
Hannah: This looks like he had a relapse and went out looking for her, but strangely without telling anybody. He's had breakfast at my tavern this morning still, and he didn't seem any different than usual. Still, I wonder whether he actually hopes to find her alive, after all this time...
Nave: Would it be possible that we still enter the store to get some supplies? We're really in urgent need of some of his goods...
Brady: I'm afraid only Matt bears the key to the store. And even if we could get in, I'm not sure he'd want somebody else to sell his stuff...
Nave: But it's not like we're going to steal anything! We're going to pay normally!
Hannah: If you really want some items from the store, maybe you could help us find Matt. We'd be thankful if you could bring him back, and perhaps persuade him to cut some of the prices for you.
Blue Phoenix: Hm, we're going to have to consider and discuss it first. Excuse us, please.
The group does a couple of steps away from the desert store.
Blue Phoenix: What do you guys think? Is this worth our time and effort?
snorsorbet: All I know is we need waterskins. I'm open to any ideas on how to get any, if not like this.
Suddenly, Hannah approaches the group with the note in her hand.
Hannah: I'm sorry to interrupt. But I just noticed something.
Drahcir: Yes?
Hannah: This... doesn't look like Matt's handwriting. I'm not sure because I don't care much about other people's handwritings, but this really doesn't look familiar.
Blue Phoenix: Can Brady confirm that?
Hannah shakes her head.
Blue Phoenix: So do you think he might have been kidnapped and a false note left to divert suspicion?
Hannah: I don't know what to think, honestly. But as I said, this morning he was at my tavern, and he didn't behave unusual in any way.
Blue Phoenix: Alright, we'll look into it.
Hannah and Brady give the group their thanks and leave.
SirFrog: So, what now?
Your Quest Logbook has been updated. (New Side Quest: Elegy for Eleana)
|--4---3---2---1--| |--1---2---3---4--|
a Ian Nav Blu Dra : : --- --- --- --- a
b Bam Sir Sim sno : : --- --- --- --- b
c --- --- Phi Ste : : --- --- --- --- c
|-----------------| |-----------------|
Book of Knowledge
World Map
(Hints of Interest: -
Stat points left: Phil
Skill points left: Phil, Simon, Steiner)
It's midday. (2:14 PM)
The autumnal sun is brilliantly hovering high in the sky.
Brady: Matt? Isn't he at his store?
SirFrog: No... the store is closed, and a note said he's out on a family emergency and will return in a couple of days.
Brady: This is strange. I've heard nothing of such. And... if I'm not mistaken, Matt doesn't really have much of a family.
Blue Phoenix: Excuse me?
Brady: If I may propose going there now together, I have a dark presumption.
The group follows Brady as they march through the village, picking Hannah up on the way.
Hannah: Matt is not married. His only family used to be a young niece of fifteen years. She passed away last summer during a heavy storm. Her parents both died longer ago, shortly after her birth.
Brady: Not quite. The niece technically didn't pass away, she simply disappeared during a visit to her best friend.
Bamboori: I don't understand.
Brady: Hold on.
They reach the desert store, the note still hanging where it's been hanging before. Brady steps up to the door and tries to open it. Then he bashes his fist on the door several times.
Brady: Matt! You there?
No answer.
Brady: Matt's niece, Eleana, was best friends with a farmer's daughter, who lived on a farm quite at the edge of the Rinstar Highlands, which are to the east. She would go visit the farm quite often in the warmer months, as there aren't many other young people in JG Rime and she didn't click with any of them. Eleana was also quite fond of horses, and that farm had lots of them.
Hannah: One day last summer Eleana would again leave JG Rime to visit them, but shortly thereafter, a heavy thunderstorm hit these lands. It kept raining for days, too. After the rain had subsided, Matt started asking around whether we'd seen her niece. It was not unusual that she would stay with the farmer's family for a couple of days, but this time it was different. She didn't come home for one more week, and then Matt decided to leave and visit the farm himself. He came back two days later, claiming that Eleana had never been to the farm the preceding two months.
Brady: That was really hard on him. We organized a search party and retraced her route to the farm, but there was no sign of her. Eventually, we had to give up. Matt however wouldn't calm down for months, became more aggressive and started drinking excessively, all while shouting to himself that he needed to go out and find his niece. Luckily, after these months passed, he came to accept his fate and calmed down.
Hannah: This looks like he had a relapse and went out looking for her, but strangely without telling anybody. He's had breakfast at my tavern this morning still, and he didn't seem any different than usual. Still, I wonder whether he actually hopes to find her alive, after all this time...
Nave: Would it be possible that we still enter the store to get some supplies? We're really in urgent need of some of his goods...
Brady: I'm afraid only Matt bears the key to the store. And even if we could get in, I'm not sure he'd want somebody else to sell his stuff...
Nave: But it's not like we're going to steal anything! We're going to pay normally!
Hannah: If you really want some items from the store, maybe you could help us find Matt. We'd be thankful if you could bring him back, and perhaps persuade him to cut some of the prices for you.
Blue Phoenix: Hm, we're going to have to consider and discuss it first. Excuse us, please.
The group does a couple of steps away from the desert store.
Blue Phoenix: What do you guys think? Is this worth our time and effort?
snorsorbet: All I know is we need waterskins. I'm open to any ideas on how to get any, if not like this.
Suddenly, Hannah approaches the group with the note in her hand.
Hannah: I'm sorry to interrupt. But I just noticed something.
Drahcir: Yes?
Hannah: This... doesn't look like Matt's handwriting. I'm not sure because I don't care much about other people's handwritings, but this really doesn't look familiar.
Blue Phoenix: Can Brady confirm that?
Hannah shakes her head.
Blue Phoenix: So do you think he might have been kidnapped and a false note left to divert suspicion?
Hannah: I don't know what to think, honestly. But as I said, this morning he was at my tavern, and he didn't behave unusual in any way.
Blue Phoenix: Alright, we'll look into it.
Hannah and Brady give the group their thanks and leave.
SirFrog: So, what now?
Your Quest Logbook has been updated. (New Side Quest: Elegy for Eleana)
|--4---3---2---1--| |--1---2---3---4--|
a Ian Nav Blu Dra : : --- --- --- --- a
b Bam Sir Sim sno : : --- --- --- --- b
c --- --- Phi Ste : : --- --- --- --- c
|-----------------| |-----------------|
Stats (Click to View)
Book of Knowledge
World Map
(Hints of Interest: -
Stat points left: Phil
Skill points left: Phil, Simon, Steiner)
It's midday. (2:14 PM)
The autumnal sun is brilliantly hovering high in the sky.
Quote of the Day f***ing Year (Click to View)