@Hate, your lines aren't clean/straight enough.. I only prefer red version more than Gad's because face picture looks sideways and idea with that (the longest)line through the middle makes it feel right. It makes it feels like he looks sideways. Original one misses it.
Other than that i can't really tell whether changes are good or not because, as i mentioned already, lines aren't clean enough, too shaky. Considering Gad is running out of time i don't see it as something he should be focused right now. He can play around with it later.
Also remember it's his mod only, he probably won't take anyone's help regarding creativity. You are to intrusive atm.
Other than that i can't really tell whether changes are good or not because, as i mentioned already, lines aren't clean enough, too shaky. Considering Gad is running out of time i don't see it as something he should be focused right now. He can play around with it later.
Also remember it's his mod only, he probably won't take anyone's help regarding creativity. You are to intrusive atm.