Hello fellow Mafia players
I want to ask if there is enough interest in a Vanilla Mafia Round without private talk?
- There are two factions: Mafia and Town, that play against eachother. Either faction wins when all players of the other faction are dead.
- At the start of the game, you'll recieve a PM from the Game Master that describes your role and the faction you belong to.
- If you belong to the Town you do only know your own role at the start of the game, everyone recieved their role privately so you won't know which faction anyone else belongs to.
- If you belong to the Mafia you will recieve the names of the other mafia members and the identity of the Godfather aswell.
- The Mafia-Town ratio will be announced at the start of the game.
- Roles:
- Citizen: The Citizen belongs to the Town. The Citizen has no special ability.
- Cop: The Cop belongs to the Town. The Cop can PM the Game Master once every night with a player name. At the end of the night he'll get notified wether that player belongs to the Mafia or Town.
- Doctor: The Doctor belongs to the Town. The Doctor can PM the Game Master once every night with a player name. If that player happened to be targeted by the Mafia that night that player will not be killed.
- Mafia Goon: The Mafia Goon belongs to the Mafia. The Mafia Goon has no special ability.
- Godfather: The Godfather belongs to the Mafia. When the Godfather is checked by the Cop he'll apear on Town side.
- The Game is divided in Night and Day phases. It starts with a Night phase.
- Night:
- At Night the Mafia will PM the Game Master with one player name. At the end of the night that player will be killed unless he was saved by the Doctor.
- The Doctor and Cop can use their special ability at night.
- Citizens cannot do anything at night phases.
- Public discussions within the Thread are allowed at night.
- The Game proceedes with a Day Phase when the Game Master recieved all PMs. The end of the night, the result of the mafia kill and the role and alignment of the player that died will be revealed with an official post by the Game Master in the Thread.
- Day:
- At Day public discussions will be held by all players within the thread.
- Every player has the ability to vote for a player that should be lynched.
- The player that recieved the most votes will be lynched at the end of the day.
- It is possible to not vote for anybody but it has to be explicity stated.
- The Game proceeds with a Night Phase when every player has stated their vote. The end of the day, the result of the public lynch and the role and alignment of the player that died will be revealed with an official post by the Game Master in the Thread.
- The Game Master can force a deadline to each phase if it takes to long. Night actions that are not sent to the Game Master within the deadline will simply be viewd as no-action. Daily lynch-votes on the other hand that were not stated within the deadline will result in a random vote for that person.
- Death:
- After you died you're not allowed to participate in the game anymore.
- Your role and alignment will be revealed in the Thread.
- You're not allowed to use your night action.
- You're not allowed to take part in public lynch votes.
- You're not allowed to talk inside or outside this thread with any other player.
- You're free to talk to other players that are dead aswell.
- Final last words that do not reveal any information about the game such as "Meh.." or "Damn you Player X! I hate you for this!" are allowed to be posted after you died.
- Citizens are not allowed to talk to other players outside of this thread. Talking to non-players and getting them hyped for the next round is allowed. (Technically, talking to a non-player about your role and then having that non-player tell something to some other player would not be against the rules, but it would pretty much be a dick move. So don't do it, don't try to exploit the rules and play fair.)
- Mafias are allowed to talk privately via PM and strategize with eachother only. They're not allowed to talk to Town aligned player outside the Thread.
- You're allowed to PM the game master about everything you like. Don't expect an answer if you ask him about the role and alignment of other players though.
- Posting a screenshot or copy&pasting messages that are supposed to be from the Game Master is forbidden.
- Breaking a rule will result in an individual punishment that usually ends up being really badly for the faction of the player that cheated.
- Breaking a rule will additionaly lower your reputation and makes the Game Master really really sad.
Ofc I cannot prevent anyone from actually pm'ing other players so I just hope that everybody plays along, if I somehow find out that somebody did, I'll think of a punishment that can reach from either a mild warning, over insta-killing you, up to the loss of your faction depending in how big I consider the rulebreak
PS: I don't mind beeing the host of this Round but if somebody else wants to, that'd be fine with me aswell
Players: (14)
- Apocalipsis
- mfc
- Darl
- Bamboori
- empirefantasy
- LutiChris
- TheNave
- CosmicSarasa
- AmadisLFE
- T.O.R.N.A.D.O
- Jernemies
- Rhino.Freak
- Ramond
- Simoneon