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What is love? (& other digressions)
(Something i forgot to add on my first post)
I remember Fall 2015 i was arguing with my art professor about why i don't love myself and he automatically thought i must have hated myself. Even after explaining my reason he was sure i hated myself. i was like wtf? Why can't i just be neutral? Why must i pick an emotion. For the most part we are not always emotional, if you take a picture of a random person on the street its usually a blank expression (a neutral expression - one without hate or love). I know he probably thought that if i didn't love myself then i probably don't take care of my body. To a certain extent that's kind of true.. my bad habits like eating sweets doesn't increase my life expectancy... but you don't need to be emotional to take care of yourself. I know what he meant. If you love yourself you should take care of yourself. Why can't someone who doesn't love himself also take care of himself for the reasons i have explained above? If i truly took care of my body then i would probably see fit to use that word. The fact that i don't properly take care of myself.. but still manage to do a decent job every now and then doesn't mean i hate myself or am harming my body on purpose. I have a lack of discipline. That is my problem. not hating myself... this should be obvious.. i would think? Am i wrong to think this way?

@MnM i do think its important to keep them balanced. but i know its not going to be easy to balance them 50/50 so the better side would be being slightly more logical. I think its important if you are in a family that you stay as a unit and take care of one another. I do love my family even over the hardships that we have. I think eventually at some point... would you really say you love your dad at age 9 Trillion? I think (if we are able to live that long) time will eventually force us to consider things like this. Like i don't see how one can have a happy marriage forever. At some point you might get bored of each other and its fine to move on to pursue different interests & lovers. Affection and love is only temporary due to time. What's remaining would be our logical side, this stays with us unless its tampered by age => degenerative state of mind accepts irrational and uncritical thinking and loses its connections until it can no longer function normally. I really don't see emotions benefiting us in the future. Maybe we keep our loving relationship (to anyone or anything) for years, decades or even centuries but eventually at some point i see this changing even for people who are determined to stick with each other. A relationship regardless if its a friend or family member will eventually be stale due to time and other factors. This is the same type of reasoning one may have for interests in general i guess.

its healthy to try to keep these two things (logic/emotion) balanced? but why? i'm pretty sure its because of our human bodies. Will keeping these two benefit us if we turn into robots and live for a long time? love and emotion helps bring us closer and we are strong in a group. but as time goes by i don't think we'll really rely on emotion ... we may just be independent and figure things out by ourselves with the many many years of experience and knowledge to aid us i don't see a future where we would rely on each other anymore...

edit3) You can ignore everything bellow this - i go on a tangent
sorry, i know for some of you who've talked to me on this issue (transhumanism) its like im ramming it down your throats but i find it not only a fascinating topic to talk about but i think its very important, and all i can think about lately is death. and my approach for talking with people like my coworker (who says he wants to kill himself) is a bit different... now that i've sorta re-evaluated myself. i mean if i was religious and killed myself or let death eventually catch up with me - i'd think maybe god would still accept me and i'd live a much better life compared to this life on earth. but statistically speaking a transhumaist wager is much better than pascal's wager.

Not only do you have to see if a god exists this doesn't mean it will create a heaven and on top of that this being would also judge your morality/beliefs as the ticket to go to heaven. Adding layer upon layer of these assumptions makes it more and more unlikely for such a specific god to exist. this is why i can't be purely agnostic. needless to say, i'm not 100% certain there is no god. I'm just looking at it as a spectrum of whats more likely based on what we have found out about the universe and everything else (42!). We as a species, have come a long way thanks to technology and innovation. So this is much more promising in my opinion. I'm fine compromising a few things just to be immortal, the only thing i wouldn't want to compromise would be my consciousness. That in and of itself is no guarantee but the likelihood when compared to other alternatives seems much more attractive. If scientists aren't able to do something about it within my life time then my only option would be Cryonics. I would save that towards the end of my years and hope that one day they would revive me some day in the future. I'll need to save a lot of money. I've told this to some of my coworker who are environmentalists. They think this is too egotistical. Maybe everything does boil down to you eventually but it doesn't mean ego is bad. It's only bad if it blinds you just like people who are extremely selfless is actually harmful to your well being. Some of my coworker think there should be less humans in the world because they care more about the earth than they do about humans. I could care less about the earth. The earth can survive on its own. The "green" technology that we use is not very effective compared to oil/gas. I wouldn't mind having an alternative way for us to keep the planet cool as long as it benefits us at the same time. I think we should just adapt and recreate the earth to our liking when we can survive conditions.
A sequence of variables thatre engraved since the beginning of the cosmos is responsible for animating things in reality
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Messages In This Thread
RE: What is love? - by MnM - 05-09-2016, 05:28 AM
RE: What is love? (& other digressions) - by LutiChris - 05-09-2016, 06:40 AM

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