(10-08-2018, 01:21 PM)LutiChris Wrote:MangaD Wrote:But these problems are not 100% a race problem
haha this is the #notall fallacy.
No, it is not a fallacy. How do you know that those problems are race-based and not culture-based? If you convert most of Africa to Islam and most terrorist attacks come from black people, are you going to blame terrorism on race?
(10-08-2018, 01:21 PM)LutiChris Wrote: demographics is important and sure there are other factors in play but from what i can tell all of these stem from biology. Think of it like this: we have the illusion of free will but still are forced to behave according to the laws of physics and our minds are no exception to this.
This is speculation, unless you provide a credible source with proof that supports your theory.
(10-08-2018, 01:21 PM)LutiChris Wrote: if one values self preservation like most species their optimal and most strategic option is to go for race
No. If my race is a bunch of criminals who endanger my life and my descendants, then I'd rather live with other races.
(10-08-2018, 01:21 PM)LutiChris Wrote: You can't make the exception the rule, sure there are exceptional blacks but per capita..... u really wanna say that and then apply that to crime or any other area in life thats important? there is utility in seeing the bigger picture and yes we acknowledge the rare gems out there but you can't base a companies decision as that will hinder your economic growth as just one example. And they are already doing this for diversity already!
It depends on what we are talking about. If I am an IT company hiring an employee, and it is scientifically proven that some races are more intelligent than others, race would still be a very small factor to consider. First would come education, experience, motivation, etc.
But if I know nothing about the person, then I could take race into consideration. Still, I must say that I'm not a fan of anarcho-capitalism where people can be neglected just because they do not meet high standards, and thus less capable people are condemned to slavery and poverty.
(10-08-2018, 01:21 PM)LutiChris Wrote: look up the bell curve by Charles A. Murray and Richard Herrnstein for the scientific evidence
This is purely blind statistics, not a study on the cause factors.
(10-08-2018, 01:21 PM)LutiChris Wrote: i like how you mentioned educational opportunities. Segregation was better for blacks. There's a reason why you have more crime in cities and it is mainly racial because blacks can't compete with the other races so they resort to crime. Elite Jews know this and is why they want us to be diverse and spread chaos
This says nothing about educational opportunities. What are you trying to say here? That because blacks generally cannot compete with the other races that we should assume from the beginning that any black child will not be able to compete and therefore it is not worth trying?
(10-08-2018, 01:21 PM)LutiChris Wrote: here's another example of why not to trust wikipedia
Was the definition of racism that I quoted here incorrect?