(10-08-2018, 09:29 PM)A-Man Wrote: Haha, you see, it's really meaningless. I'm born with both a color and a (maximum) height. Maybe the question should be, why is considering color racism but height is not?
Race is much more than color. There are many more differences between races than color. The scientific community is not clear where it draws the line between ethnicities.
The idea of racism is that you consider some races to be superior than others, usually in terms of IQ because other factors are usually trade-offs - such as height.
(10-08-2018, 09:29 PM)A-Man Wrote: Living in a hot country for a white person is a difficulty, but it's still just that. Is that really enough to start discriminating, and to what degree? Is there a threshold for when making a selection based on these traits considered "racism"? The problem in this sense is really vague, and it leaves a lot for commonsense.
And that my friend, is the million dollar question. Why would it be desirable for a white person to live in a hot country? Note that I am speaking of big groups and not individuals. Suppose that millions of white people migrated to Africa and the black population started to shrink due to low birth rates, plus interbreeding happening between whites and blacks, would that be a good thing, would that make sense? To my view, this would in the long run make the population of Africa less resistant to the sun light and undo what evolution did.
I believe that discrimination is necessary when dealing with mass migration that drastically changes demographics and erases ethnicities from this world. Some people say "Oh, I couldn't care less about the demographics of Europe, it could all turn Asian or African, all I care about is the individual, group identity means nothing to me". I disagree with this for several reasons, but the one I am exposing here is the biological one. But if you believe that millions of years of evolution mean little, and/or diversity is undesirable, then I suppose there's no need to further discuss this.
The problem is that you are assuming things based on researches that do not represent the absolute truth. You assume that blacks have lower IQ due to their race. I watched the Peterson video, and he says at the beginning that it is possible to dumb down a person with potential by not educating them. How do you know that this is not the case for black people?
I am also against mass migration and interbreeding, so we are on the same page there.
As for women picking wealthier men - these men are generally white, what's your point?
(10-08-2018, 10:56 PM)LutiChris Wrote: Vasectomies and Tubal Ligation is something that could very well work
You'd actually go as far as mutilating people and taking away their ability to reproduce just to get them out of welfare? How about forcing them to work by giving them some job which they cannot refuse or else welfare is taken away from them? And why would you apply this only to non-whites?
You also seem to ignore the fact that very often there are not jobs for people who lack education, because we live in a world where machines do most of the physical jobs and all jobs left require education, so there are people who live in welfare because they don't have a choice.
Moreover, you also assume that if the parents are dumb the child is going to be dumb due to genetic factors, there is no scientific evidence for this and many times this is proven wrong. I have a white friend whose parents only have 4-5 years of school because they are old and in their time education wasn't that great and people studied only 4 years, so they did not focus on intelligence at all and his parents are not that smart as you can imagine. Despite this, my friend has a master's degree in CS.
(10-08-2018, 10:56 PM)LutiChris Wrote: they could still take care of kids but it wouldn't be biological rather it would be helping the white race to flourish in the nation
Why should the white race get special treatment in America? Even if you bring history claiming that white people got there first, the truth is that American Indians got there first. If you say that white people conquered it, then you justify any other race to conquer white people, and thus entice everyone to war and what Israel is doing in Palestine is totally legit. If you say that white people are smarter on average, this still does not account for the individual, the causal factors are still undetermined, and it disregards other physical advantages that non-whites have over withes.
(10-08-2018, 10:56 PM)LutiChris Wrote: it actually is holy smokes mangaD read the book!
I don't have time to read the book and that defeats the purpose of dialog.
(10-08-2018, 10:56 PM)LutiChris Wrote: Knowledge consists of two sides: the object, and the subject of knowledge. The system of accepted education teaches us knowledge of the object. Experience of the transcendent allows us to experience knowledge of the subject. The missing element in socialized education today is how to experience the subject of knowledge.
I have no use for baseless theories.
(10-08-2018, 10:56 PM)LutiChris Wrote: yeah ur describing previous definitions. they are no longer relevant in todays age. Its all about weaponization of these words that should be recognized.
The definition has not changed. Only the acceptability has changed.