10-10-2018, 08:16 PM
Racism is a problem when you differentiate people based on that title. Like how families will buy only Chevy or Ford brand cars. When the only concern is the brand name, it's a huge problem. There a lot of other potential labels, but since the thread is on Racism I'll focus on that.
As of late, racism is a campaign tool for politics. Vote for me and see X race put in their rightful place.
Why is IQ so important? For one, majority of Americans just act like children, following the ideals of their idols. Whether they be Hollywood actors, politicians, protestors. Most people don't think for themselves. You don't really need to, assuming people are honest. But odds are, the idol is either uninformed or hiding facts.
And two, it is not fixed, or even accurate. It is a man-made concept still in development. "There is still a dearth of information about how behavior differs between persons with differing IQ scores. For placement in school programs, for medical diagnosis, and for career advising, factors other than IQ must also be part of an individual assessment" There are even a dozen different IQ tests made by different people that act differently. There is no consistency between them other than the name of IQ.
For what measurement of IQ we get, it's greatly associated with mathematic abilities. How often do you need to use complex math that can't be done with a basic Calculator? And as for IQ, it's basically how well wired your brain is. Literally, the synapse network that carries our thoughts to and fro the brain's regions, and how efficiently you can use it. With extensive use, like muscles, the effectiveness can be improved and will deteriorate after your prime age. That is when experience comes in, or intuition. When things happen so often you know the outcome without a second thought.
The Teenage is best example of having a lack of both. The brain is still developing up till around the age of 25, and even with a high IQ you do not have any practical application as a child. Rare cases are like the child who developed a mine sweeper robot in India. https://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/th...69389.html A brilliant young man who wasn't just smart, but found a way to apply it. Talent without purpose is nothing.
And third, IQ is not an indicator of education or career or lifelong success. Determination and commitment are what get through school, as does life itself. Anyone who puts enough time to studying will get high grades. Communities with suffering education have distractions such as gangs or bad living conditions. People with strong careers either inherited them, or their ambition drove them to attain it.
Democracy isn't designed for peace. It is designed so that every point of view can be represented, and the resulting conflict and diversity can then improve us moving forward. It's what allows protests, elections, etc. The alternative you're suggesting is anarcho-capitalism, where there would be no unison. Just everyone acts on their own best interest. And for your belief in inferior races, that would result in entirely unfair practices, and an even easier time for the Jews to own everything.
As of late, racism is a campaign tool for politics. Vote for me and see X race put in their rightful place.
Why is IQ so important? For one, majority of Americans just act like children, following the ideals of their idols. Whether they be Hollywood actors, politicians, protestors. Most people don't think for themselves. You don't really need to, assuming people are honest. But odds are, the idol is either uninformed or hiding facts.
And two, it is not fixed, or even accurate. It is a man-made concept still in development. "There is still a dearth of information about how behavior differs between persons with differing IQ scores. For placement in school programs, for medical diagnosis, and for career advising, factors other than IQ must also be part of an individual assessment" There are even a dozen different IQ tests made by different people that act differently. There is no consistency between them other than the name of IQ.
For what measurement of IQ we get, it's greatly associated with mathematic abilities. How often do you need to use complex math that can't be done with a basic Calculator? And as for IQ, it's basically how well wired your brain is. Literally, the synapse network that carries our thoughts to and fro the brain's regions, and how efficiently you can use it. With extensive use, like muscles, the effectiveness can be improved and will deteriorate after your prime age. That is when experience comes in, or intuition. When things happen so often you know the outcome without a second thought.
The Teenage is best example of having a lack of both. The brain is still developing up till around the age of 25, and even with a high IQ you do not have any practical application as a child. Rare cases are like the child who developed a mine sweeper robot in India. https://www.indiatimes.com/news/world/th...69389.html A brilliant young man who wasn't just smart, but found a way to apply it. Talent without purpose is nothing.
And third, IQ is not an indicator of education or career or lifelong success. Determination and commitment are what get through school, as does life itself. Anyone who puts enough time to studying will get high grades. Communities with suffering education have distractions such as gangs or bad living conditions. People with strong careers either inherited them, or their ambition drove them to attain it.
(10-10-2018, 04:52 PM)LutiChris Wrote: democracy isn't useful if you want peace nor is immigration to other parts of the world
read the book "Democracy the God that failed by Hans Hermann-Hoppe"
if you're not on board with that system even maoist third worldists agree this is a bad idea because what you end up doing is the migration destroys the revolutionary potential of the impoverished world
Democracy isn't designed for peace. It is designed so that every point of view can be represented, and the resulting conflict and diversity can then improve us moving forward. It's what allows protests, elections, etc. The alternative you're suggesting is anarcho-capitalism, where there would be no unison. Just everyone acts on their own best interest. And for your belief in inferior races, that would result in entirely unfair practices, and an even easier time for the Jews to own everything.